An update on the last post: As you probably already know by now if you are a participant, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft has been indefinitely postponed. The recommendation to do so was made by the organizers as universities rapidly began to recommend the cancellation of all work related travel.
I hope that as many of you as possible can cancel your travel plans and get fully reimbursed. For those of you who have difficulties with this, especially those to whom I committed travel funding, please stay tuned. The last message I received from our administration on this matter was the following:
I have forwarded your message to our grants experts. The American Physical Society has asked funding agencies to allow reimbursement for travel expenses that are not reimbursable by airlines and are usually not allowed on grants as they cancelled the very large march meeting the day before it was to begin. I hope to hear if their request has been acted on yet.
We should also highlight the announcement by the three Canadian granting agencies (NSERC,SSHRC,CHIR) to make costs for travel not taken due to coronavirus (including non reimbursable tickets) allowable expenses.
According to the MFO website, the arbeitsgemeinschaft is “cancelled”. Is there any chance it will be rescheduled for a later date?
Your guess is as good as mine.
Pingback: The Hausdorff Trimester has been indefinitely postponed | Persiflage
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