Ideally nobody will really notice, but this blog has moved from to This blog still runs on the (open source) wordpress system, the only difference is that it is longer hosted by wordpress. The reason for hosting this blog elsewhere is that I now have access to plugins without having to buy a very expensive business plan from wordpress. And the particular plugin that I have been wanting to use is \LaTeX. There was LaTeX functionality previously built in, but it was pretty poorly integrated and looked pretty bad.
The old blog automatically links to here, and should do so for quite some time, but if you are fastidious about this matters you might want to update your links (if you have any). This new blog should have all the old posts and the LaTeX rendering should be improved on those old posts as well. I *think* that followers of this blog will automatically be subscribed to the new location, but I guess we (or you) will find out.
There may be one or two teething problems, so please leave a comment here if something doesn’t seem to be working or you notice something is broken.
“Ideally nobody will really notice…”
The page you are attempting to access has been filtered due to the categorisation of ‘Newly Observed Domain’.
If you trust this website then you can click here to continue.
The old link to the post about the Ramanujan Machine didn’t work.
Thanks. It seems that trackbacks are currently broken for format reasons (the link includes the date in the title). I’ll see about fixing that.
OK, the permalink structure had to be modified, all such links should be working now.
Came here from my RSS feed where the post popped up as usual. A bit shocked that “galoisrepresentations” was still available as a domain name, would have thought such prime real estate would have been snapped up in the first tech boom 20 years ago.
This post showed up fine in my RSS reader, but the website is flagged as “Not Secure.” So what is the new potentially-insecure, LaTeX-enabled host?
Bluehost — it comes with free SSL Certificates that will hopefully be correctly installed soon! Then I can start asking for credit card numbers.
I think it is now secure.